Service Management Commands

Service Management Command

ls command

List consumers and providers

As Provider side:
+------------------------------------------------- -----------------------+---------------------+
| Provider Service Name | PUB |
+------------------------------------------------- -----------------------+---------------------+
|DubboInternal - UserRead/org.apache.dubbo.metadata.MetadataService:1.0.0| |
+------------------------------------------------- -----------------------+---------------------+
| com.dubbo.dubbointegration.UserReadService |nacos-A(Y)/nacos-I(Y)|
+------------------------------------------------- -----------------------+---------------------+
As Consumer side:
+-----------------------------------------+------- ----------+
| Consumer Service Name | NUM |
+-----------------------------------------+------- ----------+
+-----------------------------------------+------- ----------+

List the services provided and consumed by dubbo, as well as the number of service addresses consumed.


  • Services prefixed with DubboInternal are built-in services of Dubbo, and are not registered with the registry by default.
  • The first part of nacos-A(Y) in the service publishing status is the corresponding registry name, and the second part is the registration mode (A stands for application-level address registration, I stands for interface-level address registration), The third part represents whether the corresponding mode has been registered
  • The first part of nacos-AF(I-2,A-2) in the service subscription status is the corresponding registration center name, and the second part is the subscription mode (AF stands for dual subscription mode, FA stands for only Application-level subscription, FI stands for interface-level subscription only), the first half of the third part represents the source of the address mode (A stands for application-level address, I stands for interface-level address), and the second half represents the corresponding number of addresses


online commands

Online online service command

When using the delayed release function (by setting org.apache.dubbo.config.AbstractServiceConfig#register to false), when you need to go online later, you can use the Online command

//Online all services

//According to the rules, launch some services
dubbo>online com.*

log off

offline command

Offline service command

Due to failure and other reasons, it is necessary to temporarily go offline to maintain the site, and you can use the Offline offline command.

//Offline all services

//According to the rules, some services are offline
dubbo>offline com.*

Last modified January 2, 2023: Enhance en docs (#1798) (95a9f4f6c1)